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For Today --
It has been argued that humans are without exception highly susceptible to self-deception, as everyone has emotional attachments to beliefs, which in some cases may be irrational. Some evolutionary biologists, such as Robert Trivers, have even suggested that, because deception is such an important part of human behaviour, an instinct for self - deception can give a person a selective advantage: if someone can believe their own "lie" (i.e., their presentation that is biased toward their own self-interest), the theory goes,
they will consequently be better able to persuade others of its "truth."
-- The Free Dictionary

It is easy to hope that at some time in the future we may redeem ourselves by some great act of heroism or undergo a dramatic conversion. But in the mean-time all too often, it's business as usual. Too easily we can become used to our addictive behavior and deny that our acting-out hasn't harmed anyone . . . . . .except ourselves and those we love and who love and trust us. Deep down we knew we were judging ourselves and being judged. Now, each day, we can
assess our actions and evaluate our behavior. In this way we learn how our acting out has affected every part of our lives and our relationships.
-- Answers In The Heart


What I'm trying to do here is set aside time to focus on my life - both temporal and spiritual. I try to imagine that God is sitting here beside me, and I talk over with Him what has been going on for me. I attempt to understand that in a myriad of ways, God enters the everyday circumstances of my existence.But life is fast and full. Often, pressures and commitments drown out the little voice at my core. I know that. And I want to do something about it. For now, I try to become still and receptive to what His Presence might want to impart to me.
-- Sacred Space

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Arnar Ingvarsson
Arnar Ingvarsson

Addi er 30 ára Matreiðlumaður og Ljósameistari.




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